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Authentication request

To authenticate a user with, direct them to our authentication URL with a SAML authentication request as a GET param.

The SAMLRequest parameter is a url-encoded, base64-encoded, deflate-compressed XML payload. IE:

SAML_REQUEST = urlEncode(base64(deflate(payload)))

Note: We strongly encourage you to cryptographically sign authentication requests. In addition to providing increased security, this allows for seamless rotation of your application’s public certificate in the future. All signatures must use RSA SHA-256.

Specifying attributes and assurance levels

The <saml:AuthnContextClassRef> tags (nested under //samlp:AuthnRequest/samlp:RequestedAuthnContext/) specify the type of identity verification, AAL (Authentication Assurance Level) and attributes requested.

A type of service level must be specified.

    Requires basic identity assurance: email address, password, and at least one MFA method. No identity verification.

    Meets either NIST 800-63-3 AAL1 or AAL2 standard (depending on agency integration configuration)

    Requires that the user has gone through basic identity verification without facial matching.

    Does not meet NIST 800-63-3 IAL2 standard.

    Requires identity verification with facial match for all users. Even if a user has been previously verified without facial matching, they will be required to go through verification with facial match.

    Meets NIST 800-63-3 IAL2 standard.

    Requires identity verification. Users with no previous identity verification will be required to go through a facial match. Users with previous identity verification will use that data, even if it was done without facial match.

    Authentications for users who verify with facial matching will meet NIST 800-63-3 IAL2 standard. Authentication for users who do not do facial matching will not meet NIST 800-63-3 IAL2 standard.

We default to requiring a user to be authenticated with a second factor:

  • urn:gov:gsa:ac:classes:sp:PasswordProtectedTransport:duo
    This specifies that a user has been authenticated with a second factor. This value will be returned in the user attributes by default. We do not allow strict AAL1, because it implies that a user did not authenticate with a second factor. This setting requires users to reauthenticate with a separate second factor (i.e. not a remembered device) once every 30 days at a minimum.

Stricter behavior can be specified by adding one of:

    This is the same as the default behavior except users must authenticate with a separate second factor (i.e. not a remembered device).
    This specifies that a user has been authenticated with a crytographically secure method, such as WebAuthn or using a PIV/CAC. Users must always authenticate with a second factor.
    This specifies that a user has been authenticated with an HSPD12 credential (requires PIV/CAC). Users must always authenticate with a second factor.

To request specific attributes, list them (comma-separated) as the query parameter for See the user attributes for the list of attributes that can be requested.

Example specifying IAL, AAL, and attributes

A proofed identity request at AAL2, with phishing resistent MFA, for email, phone, first name, last name, and SSN might look like:

<samlp:AuthnRequest ...>
  <!-- ... -->
  <samlp:RequestedAuthnContext Comparison='exact'>

These are not recommended, and only for legacy compatibility.

    Requires basic identity assurance, does not require identity verification. Equivalent to
    Requires that the user has gone through basic identity verification. Equivalent to

    Does not meet NIST 800-63-3 IAL2 standard.

    Equivalent to

    Equivalent to


If you need to pass any information about the request back to your application after the authentication process is complete (e.g. the path to direct the user to), you can include a RelayState query parameter with up to 80 bytes of information. This will be included in the response back to your application as per section 3.4.3 of the SAML 2.0 bindings spec.${SAML_REQUEST}&RelayState=${RELAY_STATE}

Language Selection

If you know that a user would prefer one of our alternative language translations (currently Spanish or French), you can include the locale parameter to specify the language should use (either ES for Spanish or FR for French), e.g.:${SAML_REQUEST}&locale=es${SAML_REQUEST}

Authentication response

After the user authenticates, will redirect and POST a form back to your registered Assertion Consumer Service URL:

The SAMLResponse is a base64-encoded XML payload that contains encrypted data.

Next step: Logout
Next step: Logout
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