Integration overview and user flow is a FedRAMP moderate approved multifactor authentication and identity proofing platform that makes online interactions with the U.S. government simple, efficient and intuitive.
User flow

- Once you have successfully integrated your application with the environment, users start at your application and are redirected back to via OpenID Connect (OIDC) or SAML protocols.
- The service level you specify via the authentication request sent by your application will determine the type of verification required for the user’s account. Identity proofed accounts require the user to complete additional steps to verify their identity in addition to the Multifactor Authentication (MFA).
- New users will create an account corresponding to the identity assurance level requested. Returning users will present their existing credentials to authenticate with A new user to your application will consent to their information being shared with your application upon creating an account.
- Upon successful completion of the account creation and authentication, users will be redirected back to your application with the user attributes that correspond to their user level.
- With the attributes provided by, your application will handle authorization of the user and assign roles and permissions.
Service provider configuration
This is the configuration for your application within’s identity provider. In the sandbox environment, you will be able to determine the configuration yourself and decide what is the best fit for your needs. In the production environment, we will manage the final configuration.
To configure a test application in the sandbox environment:
- Create an account in the Portal. From here you will be able to test various configurations and determine what is right for your agency.
- Select between OIDC or SAML protocol implementation protocols and understand which user attributes are required.
- If you have questions when testing your app, read through our FAQs or submit a ticket to our technical support help desk.
- Before submitting a request to move your app to production, review the User experience page and the Production page. Additional requirements, like a signed Interagency agreement (IAA) and agency logo, are described in these pages.